Highfield Level 2 Award in Health and Safety within the workplace (RQF)
Learners gaining this qualification provides an understanding in the responsibilities of employers and employees, the benefits of good health and safety, steps to a risk assessment and how they can reduce accidents, near misses and ill health, typical hazards and control in a workplace, common cause of accidents, emergency procedures and the importance of recordings accidents.
• Describe the employer’s duties relating to health, safety and welfare at work.
• Describe the employee’s duties relating to health, safety and welfare at work.
• Outline the benefits of good health and safety in the workplace
• Define the terms hazard, risk, accident, near miss and risk assessment
• Describe the steps involved in a risk assessment
• Explain the common hazards and effects of workplace accidents, near misses and ill health in the workplace
• Describe how risk assessment can reduce accidents, near misses and ill health
• Describe examples of risk controls for common workplace hazards.
• Identify procedures that should be in place for dealing with emergencies.
• Outline why it is important to record all accidents, near misses and ill health occurrence.